Stories by dhanke1 (2 matches)

Giving And Receiving In Return - in Kathmandu, Nepal

Dear KindSpring Friends, Yesterday I returned from my kindness challenge in Nepal a better person for having participated in a medical mission to help the earthquake victims with free medical care in the devastated areas around Kathmandu. Even though it was a trip to give medical care to those in need I gained so much from these wonderful loving, humble souls that I feel I came away with more than I gave. As we all know Nepal was rocked by two powerful earthquakes recently and many of the rural villages were all but destroyed. Many villagers sustained injuries that did not receive proper medical care. Working with the BICOL Clinic Foundation I was able to volunteer to go to Nepal with a medical team of approximately 20 doctors, nurses and students to set up free medical clinics in the most devastated villages. Working with the local teaching hospital we were able to ... Read Full Story >>

1932 Reads

Lost Key Presents Opportunity

Yesterday I went to our club and valet parked our car, only to return and find that the valet could not find my key for me to take my car back home. Instead of getting angry at him, I was able to quietly discuss options with him (something I may not have done a few years ago) and he drove me home to retrieve my spare key. Later in the day I went back to the club and he was so apologetic, I felt good that I had remained calm during the experience. We will work out getting me a new key but the experience taught me it is much better to calmly discuss options than to rant and rave at someone who has done a wrong, while accepting what is and moving on in life. It has also empowered  me to reach out to someone who expected an altercation and surprise them ... Read Full Story >>

803 Reads

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