Stories by grammie9909 (2 matches)

Heart Pillows For Open Heart Patients

This is something that affected me while I was in the hospital for open heart surgery and  made my decision to make things right. Just before my surgery, my doctor's office gave me a video to watch. In that video there were patients and each one had a heart pillow they were using, so of course I figured that I would get one. Right after my surgery, I asked about the heart pillow, and I was told that they took it out of the budget but one could be purchased at the hospital gift shop. My daughter purchased one for me. It was wonderful- it did so much more than for coughing, sneezing or moving wrong. It eventually became my "security blanket" and still is. I even bought and gave out 2 to heart patients I knew- they found it as comforting as I did. Okay, moving ahead- I was upset that ... Read Full Story >>

1674 Reads

Paying It Forward

I had an open heart surgery in April of 2018. It was not a very fun thing to go through. But, I kept a positive attitude and worked hard to get better. As soon as I felt well enough, I started volunteering at the hospital where I had my surgery. I go in there twice a week and visit with cardiac patients. I like to see them smile, laugh, and have the hope and stay positive. By being there I can show them that life will continue after the surgery. All things come to a pass. It is a wonderful feeling to help others who are in the same situation that I was less than a year ago. I am grateful for this volunteering opportunity!   ... Read Full Story >>

808 Reads

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