Stories by janeclarkjackson (2 matches)

Aftermath of September 11, 2001

In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, my friend Pamela and I founded United We Quilt to recruit volunteer quilters to make memory quilts for families who lost loved ones in the attacks that day.

Overtime 500 generous quilters were recruited from all over the U.S. and from several other countries. They were matched to families who requested a quilt to be made from clothing and/or photos of their loved one. More than 500 families were gifted with personalized memory quilts made with love. Here is a photo of such a memory quilt.

1728 Reads

I Am A Grandmother ...

I am a grandmother with several children’s books at home because I love them and I love reading to and with little ones. In this time when I am isolated in my apartment I am offering to have Story Time with Grandma Jane with children who have access to Skype or FaceTime.

It will help me not to feel isolated and will hopefully give parents who are suddenly teaching their children at home a bit of respite while giving the children a new reading partner.

717 Reads

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