Stories by Peace_spirit (3 matches)

A Loaf A Day

I have been distributing 9 loaves of bread and milk on a Monday for a few weeks now. But only on the Monday. It's shocking how the people that need it, take the bread at the traffic light or street corners that I give it at, and immediately go across the road and tear the loaf apart and start eating. Immediately.

Watching this behaviour seems to fill me up. This evening I decided to try to keep 2 loaves of bread in my car every day. It's a minimum cost but priceless spiritual healing.

1506 Reads

Helping Others During this Tough Time Helped Us

It was the 3rd month memorial on December 26th, 2016  of my husband's passing. In my husband's memory, I had planned to bring together more of my family and friends to share this December, a little bit of kindness and gratitude. I made a list of some basic groceries that we will need to fill up 30 Boxes. My sister and her husband donated the bulk of the groceries on their own initiative, towards the hampers and I arrived to find these being delivered at home. My 10-year-old nephew shopped with me for the balance and never tired out in the busy malls. Between my family members and friends ranging from 10-year-old to my 86-year-old dad (turned 86 today 27 Dec) who all helped buy the groceries, pack the boxes, seal the boxes , load the vehicles, drive to the townships to deliver each box to the needy families and finally to ... Read Full Story >>

1468 Reads

In Honor of My Late Husband

Today was my husbands 2 month memorial and the family came over to help me. We cooked a pot of food to feed 30 random needy souls. Blessings all around.

Each person did some part of the work, fetching the fresh bread from the store, adding a packet of cookies, dishing up, marking the containers, and finally splitting up to cover 3 different areas. These activities helped ease the heartache of my husbands loss a little. The blessings from the recipients of the food was precious, my husband was surely smiling down at us with pride and peace.

917 Reads

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