Stories by rak92 (2 matches)

Elevator pitch

Had to share this with ya:
Last weekend I was in this hotel elevator.

A mother and her two little daughters walk in...

I said “HELLO, good morning!”
Got a shy 'nod' and they looked away

(I do look a bit intimidating
first thing in the morning LOL)

One of the girls starts singing quietly

I said “you have a beautiful voice!..."
"...who needs 'elevator music' right?”

She smiled with a GLOW and started giggling

Then I said:
“you should be in a choir or something”

Then her Mum jumps in and says:
“Ha ha… she actually is!”

When they got off on their floor
All three of them smiled
and waved good-bye

I’m super glad I opened my mouth
(Said what was in my mind & heart)

Made EVERYONE's day brighter!

325 Reads

A Random Act Of Kindness - Brought Her To Tears!

Had to share this one with ya!!

Every so often I go into random restaurants, see a cute elderly couple, or a sweet family dining, or someone dining solo (anything that touches my heart really)… and I go up to the owner and ask if I could pay for them (without them knowing who it was from)… They always kindly let me do it.

This morning I went to a Mexican Restaurant and asked to do the same. The owner there knows me and told me that one time, when she just had a little baby, she went to a restaurant, the baby was screaming and crying, and she felt terrible for all the other people trying to dine in peace.

Then, when she got the bill, she realized that someone else had already paid for it.

It touched her heart so very much she told me, that it brought her to tears…

She told me that each time she sees me doing this, it reminds her of that moment that meant so much to her!!

I told her that I LOVED that story!! And it’s just one of the reasons I do what I do.

297 Reads

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