Stories by austinfriends2 (2 matches)

Teaching with joy

My daughter has a Physics teacher that teachs with joy. She loves science and passes this passion on to her students. This is a High School Teacher. Can you imagine this age child enjoying a Physics class?

She is young and newly married and is devoted to teaching. Her family does not live close by, so we have adopted her in a secret way.

We send her notes telling her how much she inspires her students. We have sent her movie tickets, a New Years basket with Champagne, hats and noise makers encouraging her to take time to enjoy her new marriage and spend fun time with her husband.

 Recently in our part of the country it has finally gotten into the freezing temperatures, so we have treated her to a "Hot Chocolate  Kit" , encouraging her to keep warm.

 Small notes to encourage her to take care of herself, so that she can then take care of her students.

It is fun for us and we hope she enjoys it also.

1972 Reads

A new project

I have a friend  who has had some tough luck last few years. It is a long story that involves a very low paying job, an unexpected pregnacy, a husband who left her, major surgery with no insurance, losing her job, going on public assistance,  a teenage son feeling abandoned, and then as a final blow, the husband divorcing her and taking the teenage son to another state. She did not have money to purchase milk, much less, fight for custody of her oldest son. As she was recouperating from surgery on both  of her legs, she realized she needed to do something dramatic. She decided to attend a health care school so that she could attempt to make a better life for her family. She accepted a loan from the school and a grant from the school. It would take her 3 years to finish the courses needed. She ... Read Full Story >>

1911 Reads

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