Stories by 2KittyFamily (2 matches)

(Heart and) Soul Kitchen

I served at Soul Kitchen yesterday (Sunday) and got back more than I gave. They have one fundraiser a year and raise $1000 to fund their entire budget for the year. Since they serve a hot meal every Sunday that averages to less than $20 a week. A real shoe-string budget. Much of the food is donated, but they still need to purchase some of it. There are many other costs that are kind of hidden in the process but are very necessary - name tags for those guests that wish to wear them, take-home food boxes (the non-Styrofoam ones are more expensive, so now the limit is one a week) hand sanitizer, napkins,  and more. The fundraiser is a month  and two days from now and part of it was likely not to happen because there was no coordinator. I have never done anything like this before, however I am passionate ... Read Full Story >>

1748 Reads

Holding The Elevator

Just inside the entrance of a building today there was a youngish woman on a rolling walker in front of me. I was not in a hurry and did not want to startle her so I stayed behind her. She was aware of my presence and ask me to push the button for the elevator. I walked around her in the lobby to the elevator, press the button and the elevator came immediately. She asked me to hold they elevator for as it would take her some time to walk that short distance and to even get on the elevator. I was more than glad to do this, but at the same time panic rose up inside me. The "door open", and "door close" symbols on many elevators often lack the words open and close. My brain has problems deciphering symbols and I often press the wrong button. Thankfully besides the symbol, ... Read Full Story >>

1290 Reads

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