Stories by Nidhi510 (3 matches)

The Elderly

Today I was walking to the library, I walk past the nursing home on my way there. This time as I was walking towards the library, I saw an old woman sitting alone. Today I had decided to go talk to her instead of just smiling and walking past. She told me about her family and that her father was an activist. She told me about the wonderful places she traveled and the funny moments she had. It felt nice seeing a smile on her face while she was describing her best moments. We sat there for about an hour. She told me she was all alone and that it felt nice talking to someone after so long. The last person she had a conversation with was one of the nurses but she had found another job and now there wasn't anyone for her to talk to. It made me feel sad that ... Read Full Story >>

1471 Reads

Waiting in Line

My cousin and I went to a local fast food place and we were in line behind this man. He did not have enough money for his meal. I overheard and offered to pay. He was so happy and thanked me so many times. It felt really nice and just that one act of kindness had made my entire month. It's a great feeling helping someone in need, I would like everyone to try it as much as they can.

900 Reads

Childhood Books for Local Library

This morning I donated a box full of my childhood books to the local library. I hope that those who read these books can gain some knowledge which may help them in the future. It is said that knowledge is the best gift you can give, and I hope to donate more books for children to read.

It feels really good to donate!! While I was there, I also signed up to volunteer to read to the children on my free days. This will be a wonderful experience which I await eagerly.

639 Reads

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