Stories by aogrn (5 matches)

I Honor All Who Mother

[Originally posted on May 12th] Today as I reflect on Motherhood, many images come to mind.  Some encourage and inspire me and others have me reflecting on my past sorrow. I am elated for myself as I will share Mothers day with my 2 children; I am sad that my other children will only be a thought and a dream of what might have been.  You see, I have lost 9 children 6 thru miscarriage and 3 thru failed invitro fertilization.  Today, I honor all of my children. My own Mother grows older and suffers mild dementia and has suffered strokes.  Yes, now I Mother her.  I try to meet her needs physically and emotionally while trying to remember that she is my Mother and will forever see me as a child.  Her life has changed and for that I am sad.  Yet she remains with me, while so many others will feel the ... Read Full Story >>

2425 Reads

My Neighbor Athena

As neighborhoods go children come and grow ... some leave some stay.

A new neighbor is always call for speculation..

Me .. I always look to see if they have kids toys.  If they do its just a matter of time when I will meet them.

Newest amongst our neighbors is Athena!  She's a real delight!  Single handedly, she seems to have brought our neighborhood alive.  She has one child and she has managed to get other parents to open doors and let their kids out.  Our neighborhood once again is it was when I was a kid and everyone had 4-5 kids.

So today, I appreciate ... my neighbor Athena.

2404 Reads

Welcome My Life

This past week I had the opportunity to help the man that broke my heart. I had not spoken to him in 16 years.

Our conversation renewed my faith in so many ways, that God brings things about in his own time, that true love never dies but simply changes.

All this time, life was preparing me for the moment when our lives would touch...even so remotely.  And it happened at just the right.

I felt like I really helped him... and I was filled with awesome appreciation for the opportunity to give back to someone who had previously hurt me!

2238 Reads

A Nurse, a Mother, a Friend...

When I was 16 I entered a program to become a LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) it was there I met a wonderful woman.  Her name is Mary Anne.  She is an RN with a Masters degree. I think of her mostly in May.  May is the month of Mothers Day and National Nurses Day.  She is the ultimate of both of these.  Mary Anne is the most understanding of mothers.  She guided her two sons in a loving way and she still found it within herself to guide young people like me. Like a mother bird she extended her wings to enfold me too.   Her loving ways taught me to love deeply.  Many times I lived to emulate her.  She was very close to an angel for/to me.  it was thru her I learned  compassion.  Due to her generosity of spirit I am generous.  I thank her for mothering me.  I thank her ... Read Full Story >>

1904 Reads

The Kindness Of Children

I often write about how amazed I am to have such great kids.

Well at 5 and 10 I am almost always surprised at what sinks into their minds.

I knew  I have made an impact when I heard my 5 year old say my mommy says it's nice to be important but more important to be nice.

My soul beams.

So often kids repeat what they hear.

Criticism and swear words are not what they should hear.

Today I am proud of my 5 year old.

1393 Reads

'aogrn' Also Commented on These Stories

An Unexpected Light

Pen Pals At The Airport

Why Tell Stories Today?

Pizza Hut Smiles

Two Conditions For This Gift

Love Thy Neighbor

One of a Thousand Stories to Tell

A Twenty In His Hands

Grocery Store Flower Bouquet

A Surprise "No Charge"

Encounter with an Albino Blind Man

Happy Birthday And A Gold Coin

Go Home

Helping A Child In Need

A Blazer, Red Scarf, and Fifty Bucks

Listening to God's Voice

5 Love Notes To My Grand-mother

40 'Left Over' Carnations From Graduation

A Forgotten Young Man

Be A Bone Marrow Donor!