Stories by PamelaJo (3 matches)

Love "Seen"

I had a friend that every time you walked in her door for a visit, her greeting was "Hi Honey".  She had a way of saying it by dragging it out as she said it, that made me feel like she was so glad to see me.  We met several years ago when her husband was admitted to our Hospice program.  I got in on that admission as I was on call the Saturday he was admitted.  We hit it off right away, and my friendship with her continued even after her husband died. We visited together once or twice a week, never for very long, but always with sincere joy in one another's presence.  She had told me that when she got ready for Hospice care, she would let me know and we could admit her.  Sure enough, one day she told me it was time.  We continued to have ... Read Full Story >>

5864 Reads

You Never Know

I have a dear friend Joni, who is one of those people who lights up a room when she enters.  She is an extremely warm and welcoming individual, who makes you feel good about yourself.  Over the past few years Joni has dealt with much, including family illness and death, and throughout it all she has maintained a presence of joy that has been remarkable. Recently she was contemplating whether or not to continue a weekly visit/group she conducted at a nursing home.  Each week she would bring an activity  to share with the residents.  This was the nursing home where her mother had been  and Joni had grown quite fond of the other residents there.  But Joni's schedule is so full, she felt the need to make some changes, and thought she might discontinue her work at the nursing home for a while. As she was wrestling with her decision she kept ... Read Full Story >>

4870 Reads

The License Plate Of A Car

What is a hero but someone who helps us feel safe, however that is done.  Sometimes by an act of bravery, sometimes by giving their life, and sometimes by an everday gift of welcome.  However one is described, where heroes are concerned, bacause of each one,  the world is inevitably a safer place.  She did not draw attention to herself in any way, it just is not who she is.  But she gives attention daily in doses sometimes that go unnoticed, except that you always feel better having simply been around her.  Her name is Lucy.  She came up to me and introduced herself and asked if I knew the time of day.  Funny, but even as she asked, I suspected she meant more than the hour on my watch.  I had just finished teaching a class for the summer.  I had taken the job to fill in for the regular ... Read Full Story >>

3266 Reads

'PamelaJo' Also Commented on These Stories

An Unsuspecting Restaurant Table

Love Thy Neighbor

Unspoken Contract With A Rickshaw Driver

Life Is Baeutiful.

Message In A Wallet

A True Story From Kolkata

Bringing Some Love to New York City

A Compassion Buddy Overseas

Swift Reaction At a Circus

The Egg & Spoon Race