Stories by clover (16 matches)

World Kindness Week Day 3- A 100 Days Of Kindness

Yesterday I made a decision to do an act of kindness every day for 100 days and write it on a chart.  It can be something really small.  No sooner had I made my decision than an opportunity came along.

I saw a little girl lose the ribbon from her hair.  He mum didn't notice.  I ran over, picked it up and went running after them.  I gave the mum the ribbon and she gave me something - a lovely smile.

I think it will be fun looking for opportunities to be kind.

3766 Reads

Cuddly Bears And Beenies

Today, when I was out in town, I went into the pound shop. Everything they sell costs £1.  

I found two really cute, cuddly teddy bears and some pink beenie hats. Now I'm going to send them off to children in Soweto who have been orphaned because of AIDS. 
Apparently, it gets really cold in Soweto in the winter.
The little ones need lots of warm clothes and some toys.


3664 Reads

A kind act to soothe the pain

I was in a shop the other day and the lady in front of me asked for something to sooth her sore lips. The assistant said that was easy and got out lots of balms. Then the lady asked if she had anything to sooth the pain of losing her husband. The assistant said she hadn't. I gave the lady a hug and for a few moments that seemed to help her.

2081 Reads

Free-cycle TV

My husband and I just bought a new television.

The one we had still worked with a good picture. So, we checked on Free-cycle and a lady was asking for a colour television as her one had broken and she could not afford a new one.
When I e-mailed her about our spare one she was so happy as her husband has a disability and stays at home all day and loves to watch TV.
It was a real struggle to carry the television up the stairs outside our house and put it in the car. But it all went well.  
We have just got back from delivering it to her. She is very, very happy - and so are we!



1633 Reads

Love In A Time Of Pain


A neighbour whose dogs I walk I walk is very ill.  
Today, when I returned from our walk, he was having muscular spasms. When this happens his limbs go rigid and he has no control over them.  
I helped him from his bed to a chair and then started a scalp massage. When each spasm came I held him gently and continued the scalp massage. When his hands went into spasm I stroked them and the same with his arm.
After about fifteen minutes I helped him back into his bed.  
His eyes were closing and I gently closed the door on my way out.


1573 Reads

Sew Wonderful!

A wonderful thing happened today! 

I have made over 50 dresses and sent them off for children around the world who have not owned a dress before. Today, when I was looking on the website and I saw pictures of some beautiful girls in Ghana wearing dresses that I made!
It really rocked my world! I immediately got my sewing machine out and started to make some more to send.


1472 Reads

Knitting For Soweto

I knit for the little children abandoned in Soweto because of the Aids crisis.  

A favorite piece is a little sleeping bag, about 35 inches long and 15 inches wide, knitted in lots of bright colours. A little child will be able to snuggle inside it and keep warm at night.  
I went to the Post Office and sent it off today.


1448 Reads

Follow Me To Chaldon

Today,  when I got back to my car, an elderly lady parked very close to me. She looked so sweet and frail.  

She asked me if I knew where a place called 'Chaldon' was and I said that I did. But it was very difficult to describe how to get there as there are lots of twists and turns.  

I was in a rush, but I told the lady just follow me and I would take her there.  

Her smile was so sweet and she was so grateful. I managed to help and still get to work on time.

1428 Reads

My Chicken Flock Is Growing

I have three lovely chickens that were rescued from a factory farm eighteen months ago. When the chickens are one year old and have laid so many eggs they are sent for slaughter. But there is a charity that buys them from the farmer and then tries to re-home them.
This week there was an emergency appeal for homes for some hens that are coming out of the farm next Saturday.
My husband and I could not stop thinking about the fate of the chickens and wondered if we could possibly take some more in.  
We decided we could buy a dog kennel and attach it to a rabbit run so the chickens would have a little house and a safe playground. 
And now we have four new chickens coming to live with us next Saturday!

1401 Reads

An Ice-Cream Treat

I had just paid for my shopping at the checkout today and I was leaving, I heard the lady behind me ask the assistant how much a little packet of ice cream cost. 

The lady had the ice cream packet in her shopping basket, but was afraid that she would not be able to afford it.

I offered to pay for the ice cream for her so she did not have to worry.  She was so happy.  

1333 Reads

On A Hill-Top In The Rain

I went for a walk this morning. it was raining, but I am glad I went!  

As I was walking up a hill I saw a man, bent double and pushing his bike up the hill with some difficulty. As I reached him I asked him if he would like some help getting to the top.  
I lifted the bags off of his handle bars. They were really heavy.  
As we walked I asked him if he was okay. He said that he had a very difficult phone call to make the next day and was out riding to clear his thoughts. He had forgotten how steep the hills were.
When we reached the crest we stood together for quite a while in the rain. As we parted I touched his shoulder and wished him well with his phone call.  
I wonder if I will ever meet this gentle man again.


1281 Reads

Eggs-cellent Little Gifts

I love giving eggs laid by my chickens to my neighbors. I gave away five eggs today!  
I have some special little boxes now so I can just leave the eggs in the boxes on my neighbors' doorsteps without having to disturb them. Then when they open their door there is a nice little surprise for them.

1265 Reads

Today's Yoga Lesson

I was out in town today and I wanted to buy a yoga magazine.  

On the way to the shop I passed a lady asking for money.  I walked past her and went on to the shop. But when I got there I turned around, went back, and gave the money I had planned to spend on the magazine to the lady.  

Well, I thought,  that is what yoga taught me to do.

1242 Reads

A Giving Day - To The Elderly

I decided to give some things to elderly people living in homes.  
I told my mum and she wanted to give some things too. Together we gave: 4 scarves, 1 blanket, 2 necklaces, 3 shawls, 9 soaps, 2 hand creams, 1 emery board, 6 little packs tissues, 1 pair of gloves, 1 shampoo, 1 conditioner, 1 toothpaste, 1 denture cleaning powder and 1 deodorant.  
And I put in a Smile card! 

1212 Reads

Tara Walks

I have been trying to take a dog called Tara for a walk, because her owner is too ill to do it.  
Well for the first few times Tara just sat down and would not go anywhere. 
This time, hey, with encouragement and lots of strokes and gentle lullaby type songs - yep - Tara walked and we got round a whole field!
I am going back on Tuesday to have another try. Tara is such a sweet dog.

1083 Reads

Supper Time Kindness

The wife of a friend of mine is very ill.  I decided to cook supper for their family.  I prepared the meal and packed it up carefully in plastic boxes.  

Then I drove to their house and left it on their doorstep for them. No cooking for that family tonight!

1039 Reads

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I'll take that sandwich to go

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I See You


A Perfect Gift for a Star Wars Fan

Kindness for Kindness

Sharing More Than Coffee

The Watermelon

Common' Give Me A Smile!

Got my daily smile on

Mending Hearts One at a Time

Lost Keys, Found Keys, ...

Baking kindness

Helping an injured person

Smile - Reading Is Fun!