Stories by cassiemeadows (4 matches)

Will That Lady Be On The News?

When I was about four or five, I was walking down the street with my Mum one day.  Ahead of us, an elderly lady was walking slowly when suddenly she tripped and fell off the curb and couldn't get up. My Mum made a call to an ambulance to come help her and we waited with the old lady until they arrived. She thanked my Mum and we continued walking. I turned to my mother and asked, "Will that lady be on the news? Will you be on the news for helping her?" My Mum explained to me that people fell down a lot and that it wasn't the sort of thing that appears on the news. She also explained that no one from the news was there to see it. She asked me if I understood, and I said yes, but I didn't! That night I remeber watching the news and all I saw was a man-in-a-suit talking.  I asked my Mum,"Is this man more ... Read Full Story >>

9241 Reads

"What Color is the Sky?"

   I go to a private girls school which is filled with daughters of doctors and lawyers.   We are all very privileged teens.  It is always strange for me when i see those around willing to give to a worthy cause, or even to show thanks for the world around them.    I always make a point of trying to see the beauty in life, especially the sky.  The sky is such an amazing sight, and so big but we never seem to notice it.  Once I was eating lunch with my friends and I was staring up into the sky on a wonderful sunny day. My friend asked me what i was doing and i said, "I just can't get over how blue the sky is." My friends all looked at me like I was crazy.  Later that day we had just finished a math test and my friend ... Read Full Story >>

3982 Reads

Being a Big Sis for My Little Friend

I want to tell you all about Clare.  I refer to her as Little Clare because I know so many Clares.  I have a feeling no matter how old she gets, she'll always be Little Clare to me. My school goes all the way from classes for five year olds to classes for 18 year olds, with a seperate area for the junior and senior school.  Last year, I bumped into my old year 5 teacher in the library.  My teacher called me over and asked how I was going. Then she told me about Clare. "I have a girl in my year 3 class. Her name's Clare and she reminds me so much of you, Cassie. She seems a little bit lost in class.  Do you think you could come down one lunch time and maybe have a chat to her?" Of course I was very keen to do this and to meet Clare in order to find ... Read Full Story >>

2337 Reads

My New Kindness Friend at School

Being the disorganized high schooler I am, once again I forgot to take my Smile Cards to school with me today, but that didn't stop me on my mission.  On the way to school this morning I picked up a large bag of funsized choclates (60cents Australian each) to distribute at school.  During the day, whenever I found myself unnoticed in a corridor, I'd slip a chocolate into a locker anonymously. After school finished, I hung around an extra two hours until 5pm, so that I could get a clear go at one of the more open corridors in the school without getting 'caught'. This corridor had lockers of the yr 12s (highest school year, as well as very stressful) and I was making my way down with my chocolates when someone yelling behind me made me jump. "Oi!" someone shouted.  A girl I didn't know, coming from sports training, was running up to me. Her face was red and she looked angry.  ... Read Full Story >>

1683 Reads

'cassiemeadows' Also Commented on These Stories

Valentine's Day Wisdom

Driveway Turns Into A Beach

Twelve Minute Cab Ride To Penn Station

Seeing the Same Stranger Twice

Cereal For the Soul

Half-Priced Toy, Full-Priced Joy

Vending Machine Help At The Hospital

Smiling In The Rain

Story of Mushkil Gusha

I Am Thankful For ...

Heaven and Hell Story

Contagious Kindness Everywhere?

My Hour On the Streets of New York

The Bouncy Ball That Changed Me

Crumpled Ten Dollars From a Laundry Machine

Two Women Who Taught Me Kindness

The Law of Garbage Trucks

Love Thy Neighbor

Pizza Hut Smiles

The Biggest, Bestest Present Ever!