Stories by benji1422 (2 matches)

Drive-Up Smiles

  I received a package of new Smile cards and decided that I would focus on people who work in drive-up businesses.     My first act was at the drive-up window of my bank. It was a new person I had never seen before. I thought to myself, 'This is kind of hokey but I'll try it.' So, I put a Smile card underneath the check I was cashing. She counted out my money and then, with a big smile on her face, inquired about the card. We had a nice chat and I gave her some additional cards to pass on. That was how my day started.   The next day I had worked late and stopped by a fast food restaurant drive-up window to collect a salad. A clear voice over the intercom took my order and I put a Smile card underneath my payment. The young girl smiled and asked me ... Read Full Story >>

2669 Reads

Kisses to say thank you

Today I had my annual mammogram exam. I know it's a thankless job but life saving. I left a SMILE card, a note and a bag of Hershey's kisses in the changing room for the technician to find. I hope it brings a smile to her face and she shares it with others. Makes me feel good to say Thank you in a fun way.

852 Reads

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