Stories by shahsahil (1 matches)

Reflections on My First Humbling Act of Kindness

Today I did one small random act of kindness. A few days ago, I read about RAK and felt an urge to do I did it!  I paid for the person behind me in the drive thru line at Taco Bell. His/her bill was less than $5. And I felt like I should pay it. It took some time for me to make sure that I did not feel ashamed. Even doing a kind deed, I felt people will laugh at me and I felt self-concisous.  And then I thought no I should really do it. So, I did it.  Now that I am thinking about it... I feel really happy. It is a different feeling which comes after you do something different. I think there is more behind the feeling I have right now. It is a feeling of unknown. When you help somebody randomly, you do not know what the outcome will be. ... Read Full Story >>

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