Stories by live2give4ever (2 matches)

A Gesture of Generosity that Healed a Life

I was in church one Sunday when my husband’s ex-wife requested the pastor and the church to pray for her.  She said that she was a drug addict and she wanted to stop using drugs.  She was crying and said that she needed God’s help because she knew that she couldn't do it alone. She was a beautiful woman with four children and they were all crying with her. After church I went to her and introduced myself. She said that she had heard about my marriage to her ex-husband. We talked for a little while and she told me that she did not have a car and that they were going to catch the bus home. I offered to give them a ride and we continued to talk in the car. She began to open up about how bad things really were in her life. I had heard rumours from ... Read Full Story >>

4960 Reads

Helping A Friend At 6.30 In The Morning

A friend called and said that his truck had stalled and asked if I could come and jump-start his battery. I stopped what I was doing and I arrived where he was stranded in about five minutes.  We started his truck and I followed him to the nearest mechanic. He offered me money or something to eat for compensation but I declined and said, "No thanks, that's what friends are for." He called me later on and stated that the mechanic could not fix his truck at the time and asked him to bring the truck back the next day. My friend said he would need a ride to work and asked if  I would be able to take him at 6:30 am. I told him that I get off work at 5 am and I am usually so tired that I go right to sleep. He stated that he had taken ... Read Full Story >>

1711 Reads

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