Stories by sistaginportland (1 matches)

Hot Burritos Warm My Heart

  The company I work for actually pay my public transportation costs on a yearly basis.  Because of this I travel to work every day on the MAX train which goes through the downtown area of the city, so I get to see homeless men, women and sometimes children sleeping in doorways along the way.    My heart just aches for these people and I knew I couldn't keep looking away - but I didn't know what I could do that would make any difference.     'Well,' I thought, 'I can cook!'  So I started making piping hot burritos and giving them out!   My income is not great and I can't afford to do it every day but most weeks I will pass out about two dozen burritos. The men and women are so appreciative and always say "Thank you" or "God bless you." And their words do bless me!   And now there is a co-worker ... Read Full Story >>

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