Stories by bookworm58 (6 matches)

Cherishing Time With My Dad

My dad turned 92 yesterday so we spent the whole day together. I went to mass at 7 am, as always, but the rest of the day we enjoyed time together.

We ate out at Hat Creek hamburgers since we both love hamburgers. It's just a great place and the staff are so friendly and enjoy us coming there at least once a week.

We watched John Wayne movies and we love his movies a lot.  We have a collection that keeps growing over time.

I live with my dad and we help each other enjoy life. He has many stories to share about the good old days and i never get bored hearing them over and over again. It's a blessing to help with chores and errands for both of us. He is the last one alive in his generation and that makes him sad sometimes but we have many memories to cherish about the family that is gone, especially my dear mother.

I feel blessed with every day I have with my dad at this age. So many adults are in nursing homes at this age. I am trying my best to avoid that.  He can still get around and can do stuff on his own. I help more than in the past but let him do whatever he can to be independent.

2061 Reads

Giving treats away at McDonalds

I was at McDonalds the other day and was trying to decide what snack to get to tide me till I rode the 2 bus home.

There was a young lady looking at the menu but just got a small soda. I decided to help and got 2 breakfast burritos for one dollar each and 2 apple pies which are 2 for a dollar. I shared a burrito and pie with her and you would have thought it was the best meal of all time.

She was happy and I was too. I was able to share a meal with someone . I told her I never like to eat alone and was happy for the company. Who knows maybe I will see her there again some day.

Found out she had lost her job and didn't have much money for food . I told her to go to my church and they would help her with some groceries to help out. So I know she will have something else to eat later on that day too. Its a blessing to help someone in need.

1947 Reads

Two Packets of Buscuits And Two Smiles

I was at the dollar store the other day and saw an elderly lady picking out things to buy. She kept going back to the Animal Crackers and looking at them. She touched the package a few times before walking on.

I saw that she had mainly household items; paper towels, toilet paper, storage bags, juice, biscuit mix and a couple cans of vegetable soup. I was getting a few things and so I picked up the animal crackers. I usually get some for myself too since they're my favourite.

I got two packets this time.

She was behind me  in line and so I paid for my stuff and whispered to the clerk to slip the cookies in her bag in secret. She kindly put them in a bag before she rang up the ladies stuff so she didnt see what was happening.

As I was leaving I told the lady to have a nice day and she smiled. I heard her say to the clerk that she would get some cookies next time but the clerk said, "You can have them today because the lady ahead of you wanted you to have them for your afternoon tea."

She was happy, I was happy and I know it made her day - all for the price of some crackers! 

1898 Reads

More Than Just a Meal at McDonalds

I was at McDonalds the other day and I was trying to decide what snack to get to tide me over until I rode the bus home. There was a young lady looking at the menu but she just got a small soda. I decided to help and got two breakfast burritos for $1 each and two apple pies which are two for $1.

I shared a burrito and a pie with her and she was so happy that you would have thought it was the best meal of all time. I was happy too because I was able to share a meal with someone. I told her I never like to eat alone and was happy for the company.

Who knows, maybe I will see her there again some day. I found out she had lost her job and didn't have much money for food. I suggested that she go to my church and they would help her with some groceries. So I knew she will have something else to eat later on that day too. It's a blessing to help someone in need.

1894 Reads


I helped a older lady load the tumble dryer earlier and put the quarters in the machine for her. The quarter slots are hard to manage sometimes even for me. 

It felt great to help her, even with such a little thing, and she was appreciative. I know I will see her from time to time since we live at the same apartment building. 
I hope one day to have her as a nice friend too.

1557 Reads

A Little Bit Of Holiday Joy On The Go

During Christmas time, I took Christmas cards with me on my errands and I gave them to random people just to wish them a Merry Christmas. They were all been touched by the gesture. It felt good sharing the spirit of Christmas with people I met. I may see them again at some point but I'm not sure at all. But I enjoyed giving some happiness to someones lives on this holiday season. I also included a smile card inside.


1363 Reads

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