Stories by KatesMommy (3 matches)

A Game of Neighborhood Christmas Tag

This story follows my previous story: Last night, my daughter and I printed out Smile Cards and attached a note to each card saying 'Merry Christmas' and 'Have a Happy New Year'. We decided to turn the cards into part of the a neighborhood tag game. You must pass your card along to someone else in the neighborhood with a piece of paper wishing them Happy Holidays too.. We delivered the cards around our neighbourhood in the dark so no one would see us - it was so cold.. :) We gave out plenty of cards to our neighbors. I was curious when I saw my neighbor run up my driveway today after her child got on her bus with a paper in her hand... It was one of our Smile Cards - we got one back!  This afternoon when I was checking my mailbox, our eldest neighbour, maybe around 80 years old, stopped at my mailbox with her friend.  She ... Read Full Story >>

7031 Reads

Christmas Smiles During Tough Times

Times are tough for my little girl and me right now. She knows that Christmas may not be so good for her this year, but we have decided to do all the crazy stuff like dancing to Christmas music around our living room and acting nutty ;). Then we plan on going to eat our dinner, make some instant cookies, and have milk while watching Miracle on 34th Street once again (her favourite movie). Anyhow, after that, we decided that we will use our scrap booking art and make some Christmas Smile Cards tonight. We are going to send some out via email. The others, we are going to stick on our neighbors' doors and wish them a Merry Christmas, along with the Smile Cards. Shhh... they won't know it was us. We are even going to leave one with a plate of cookies in the mailbox for the mailman. We are also going ... Read Full Story >>

2879 Reads

A Christmas Present for Santa

I've been writing about Christmas with my autistic daughter, you can read my previous two stories here and here. I decided to make ornamental cookies with smiley faces on them with my daughter tonight. We printed out different coloured small round faces with different smiles on them. We goofed up the first few times, but, it finally worked. They look cute. We also made little Gingerbread men. We put holes in each one at the top and strung yarn through them. (We didn’t have any ribbon and yarn works J )  We then put some of our Smile Cards with a saying that when you hang me at Christmas, do not forget to make someone smile the rest of the year. We are going to go to every elderly person’s door in this one development and leave one on their doorstep. That will be about 20 homes. We’ve made a few extra to give ... Read Full Story >>

1914 Reads

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