Stories by Stoneglow (2 matches)

My First Kindness Assignment

The first real "kindness assignment" I was ever given came when I was in 2nd grade. 
A small boy with red hair, freckles and pleading eyes asked me, "Would you please be my friend, because I don't have any?" 
This really scared me. This boy was disliked and shunned by the other students for some reason. I had a brief, scared, thought that I would also become an outcast and be disliked if I befriended him. I remember my heart pounding a second or two.
Then I remembered what this world was all about and I said, "Yes. I will be your friend." 
When you have to make a quick decision always choose love over fear. Kindness can be as easy as speaking one word!

2007 Reads

How Guardian Angels Must Feel

I was leaving a store at the same time as a gentleman in a wheel-chair.

As we made our way across the parking lot he dropped several items. I slowed down to make sure he was able to pick them up. He got them picked up easily enough but as he started to leave I realised he had missed one of the items - his wallet! 
I was so glad I waited the extra minute or so and saw it! He had a wide, grateful, smile on his face when I returned it. And I thought how lucky guardian angels are. They get to see smiles like that all the time!


1463 Reads

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