Stories by joesmith (5 matches)

Parking Lot Samaritan

After running errands with my daughter one day, I walked back to the car reminiscing with her about the nice people we'd had the pleasure to interact with. As I pulled my car keys from my coat pocket, my daughter pointed out, "Something just flew under the car."  Remembering that I had placed my debit card and ID in my pocket so I could access them easily in the checkout line, I knew exactly what had flown under our car. I crouched down to see them. My debit card and ID were wedged behind my tire, almost out of sight. Another woman in the parking lot saw my struggle, walked over to me, and asked if she could help. Without even waiting for me to answer, she said, "I see them!" Then, she got down on her knees and fished my cards from behind the tire of my car. As she handed them to me ... Read Full Story >>

8735 Reads

$3 And A Smile

I always carry at least $3 in my car and also in my pocket. I save it for the first person who asks if I can "spare some change". Smiling and maintaining eye contact, I always respond very cheerfully with a comment like, "Yes, I would love to" or, "It would be my pleasure". And I give them the $3.    Then I replace it with my next $3 for the next person. I never spend this money myself. I honor the idea that it is the possession of the next person who asks for it. Three dollars is a small amount, yet it means a lot to the person who might only expect 25 cents, especially when delivered with respect.   I have also taken to carrying items I think the needy may be able to use. I carry hats, socks, gloves, and an umbrella. Recently I put together some care packages for ... Read Full Story >>

7531 Reads

Selling The Cowboy Caddy

My husband has always had a huge affection for older people and has helped out several elderly friends in the past, but this story is different!  Mr Daves fished the same lake as my husband John for over 15 years. A friendship developed but when Mrs Daves died, five years ago, it left Mr Daves alone. They had no children and after sixty years of marriage he was lost. So John took Mr Daves fishing with him every time he went - which was often. Mr. Daves was very energetic for 80 years old and never tired of being with John.    A few years later Mr Daves had a stroke that paralyzed his right side. He lost his speech and was put into a nursing home. Confined to his bed and unable to communicate Mr Daves began to suffer from depression. This almost broke John's heart.    He finally got permission from the nursing ... Read Full Story >>

6663 Reads

Kind Words Calm Mother and Child

One day I was shopping with my child after work to pick up supplies needed for an employee celebration. I was exhausted and wanted to get in and out quickly.

My child was tired and cranky and wanted out of the shopping cart. She was grabbing for every item we passed. I was losing my patience and temper when an elderly woman came over to us. She took my child's hand, and said, "what a lovely child."

My little girl was quiet immediately. The woman looked at me. She had an angelic smile and then said, "They are so wonderful at this age." At once I felt peaceful and in control of the situation.

After she walked away, I found a snack that pleased us and we had a pleasant shopping trip. That one moment of someone reminding me what a treasure I had turned my whole attitude around and made my shopping trip so much easier.

2365 Reads

A Mexican Happy Meal

When on vacation in Mexico I always enjoyed buying the wares of the young Mexican vendors; chicklets, candies, blankets ... Actually, I don't care what their wares are I just want to buy them! It never ceases to amaze me that kids aged 3 to 5 are actually working, and it may well be the work they will do the rest of their lives because if the family is poor enough to have the kids working at these ages, you know they are not going to school and will very likely get caught in the poverty trap.   On one trip there my wife Cory and I went to McDonald's for a hamburger. (Yes, we were a little home-sick!) As we went in there was a woman begging at the door. She had with her a young boy who I would guess was about 2 years old. I sat and watched him ... Read Full Story >>

1860 Reads

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