Stories by seesee (4 matches)

Tomatoes for the community

Last year I grew tomatoes and like usual the bad one's that the bugs ate and the bird's nibbled i threw back into the dirt and covered them over, well the next spring i had tons of tomato plants blooming all over the place. My Mother asked what could I do with them and I took a day to think it over. As hard as times are now, I try to find ways to " Help others and Pay it Forward", so i decided to re-pot each plant into it's own paper cup and place an ad on( )where people can place items for free to help others and the items wont go to the land fill and create waste. Paper cups from the local dollar store and a brick of CoCo Coir ( a miracle compost/ potting soil retains 80 to 90% water retention) Dehydrated from the local hydrophonics store. I ... Read Full Story >>

2376 Reads

My neighbor's keeper :)

My Neighbor struggled to buy his house and in so doing, he fell short on money for a Lawn Mower. He would feel so bad when he saw me cutting my lawn and all he had was a weed whacker.

I went on www., Where you can get things for free and found an Electric Lawn Mower in a nearby  city. It was almost new, the guy had it 6 Months before he landscaped his yard.

It came with a 100 FT Cord " Brand New". You should have seen his face when I test ran it on my yard & he saw it. And his face when I cleaned it and gave it to him. That was a Great DAY :)

1401 Reads

What you wouldn't do for a friend

One day I needed a Landscaper. I hired a great guy and after a few projects we became friendly . He would got to practice his English and I got to brush up my Spanish. 

One day my Landscaper friend was upset that he " lost " a job because he didn't have an Invoice or a receipt with his business letterhead on it. It took hours to explain what it was and how to make them. 

So I decided to take a couple of days to make them for him. I took my laptop and some really great yard and plant photos and made him a bunch of Invoice's in English and in Spanish, a master CD & Flash Drive with about 40 photocopies so he will never miss out on another job AGAIN. And Best of all, it was so much FUN. :) 

1381 Reads

Sneeze Shield For A Bead Queen

A friend of mine has a local bead store and Covid19 has hit her business really hard So I went out and bought her a sneeze shield to mount on her counter. She's an older lady, very kind hearted. I took it to her store and promoted her business on a city- wide website. I was trying to help her get her business back up and running smoothly. So many people go to her shop and rely on her for different things but seldom do they actually do something nice for her. I thought " What better way than to protect her health and sense of well being?"  Along with the guard I gave her 2 packages of extra masks,  "just in case" because I feel that's how real friends look after one another. It was a great Idea and was done purely from my memories of her store. Now, she can be safe while doing business and ringing ... Read Full Story >>

831 Reads

'seesee' Also Commented on These Stories

Birthday Sharing

A Child's Truth

A 'Drive Thru' pay it forward.

Timeless Smiles

A Cab Ride I'll Never Forget

Saturday Morning

Dancing Through the Checkout Line

My Litter-ful Walk

Stop and Hug

Forgiveness is a blessing!

Two Wolves - A Cherokee Tale

Appreciating The Park-Keepers

46 Not-So-Random Acts of Kindness

Food for the Weary Travelers

A Radio for Dancing and Singing

Waiting for the Train