I just want to reach out to others here hope everyone is staying cool😎 and safe from these heavy tornado winds we've been affected in our neighborhood got hit with a big tall tree coming out of their roots and almost one tree hit a car we were ok thank god we only had some smaller tree branches come down and was able to take the cut ones over to our neighbor guy that me + my son helped him lift up some roof panels about a month ago so we were able to have kindness returned to us 😉
we've been having some really hot summer days here recently I did get to enjoy it with my son this week I took him to a water/ amusement park my son helped out a lady she was lost in the park she came over to our car it was so packed that we had to park in a forest area so she didn't know how to get back to this kids area section were her elderly dad was and was worried about him my son took out the time to walk with her to show her where the kids section was and she said oh I think I see my father thank you so much 😀 when we go shopping I see my son run to the door opening for many of the shoppers coming in the store one lady was so impressed cause she was older walking slow with a cane and my son waited until she got to the door inside "what a nice young man you are thank you" 😉