Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Blanket of Sisterhood

--by myfbil, posted Oct 21, 2008

I have been doing what I can to look out for someone who lives close inside my heart though the daily lives we experience are quite far apart . 

In my home, I wake up to a fresh morning, experiencing the luxury and warmth of the comfort of my own bed laden with a floral quilt that my grandmother once made for me. On the opposite coast of the country, within the confines of the lonely hospital walls, my sister rests often unpeacefully and in pain on a cold and firm plaster white sterilized bed. A cancer inside her is spreading despite a recent mastectomy and three months of intense chemotherapy. Radiation was not a possibility for her and now this condition has seeped into her skull and spine. The comforter which I grip so tightly begins to unravel in my hand and the texture of the fabric begins to soil, as I feel a piece of me lying there with her in the hospital room. 

In order to keep myself from crumbling, I began to send blessing blankets, little toy angels, and a book of hope out to the universe, that is to hospital children and other ailing patients in various hospitals that extend beyond where my sister resides.

And then something happened today... I got a call from my sister's nurse who told me that my sister was smiling as she cradled a soft pink blanket spotted with little hearts in her hands.  I was so surprised and pleased! I don't know whether it was the blanket or the thought of having been gifted, that brought her to smile. I'd like to think that deep down somewhere inside she knew the blanket was more than just a piece of cloth from someone or a thought from another, but rather, it was an expression of love, the love from one sister to another.


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Readers Comments

lmil1954 wrote: myfbil, I pray for you and your sister. God bless you as you continue to do lovely things for her! Linda:)
AURELIA wrote: Prayers being said. You and your sister are lucky to have one another. I know it's hard on you, but I'm proud of you for being there for her. ~Aurelia
PayingForward wrote: In this difficult time I can imagine your sister feels blessed to have a loving, caring sister like you. May her prayer blanket continue to comfort her ... as she remembers that you and others are covering her with prayer. Grace and peace to you and your sister.
myfbil wrote: Thank you all so very much for all your kind thoughts and prayers.
brighteyes wrote: Myfbil..I am so sorry to hear of your sister's cancer....I lost my sister when I was 36...way to young. I think of her often and miss her ...I was glad we talked often and I told her I loved her....your sister probably loves the gifts but it is the thought and your love that matters most...make sure you let her know how special she is to you, that you love her and think of her all the time....meanwhile, I will be sending prayers and light her way and your way. Have Faith. ;)
myfbil wrote: brighteyes, thank you for your kind thoughts and sympathy as well as your prayers. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I already know how difficult it can be ~ I lost a sister to cancer March 15, 2006. She was 59 and still way too young. Prayers are always appreciated! I guess I posted this mainly so others will stop to think about their sisters/brothers and other relatives. You're right - I think it's knowing she is thought of often that is more important that what is done!
Thank you for posting. myfbil
gianjot wrote: You have a beautiful and kind heart and i am so sorry that your sister is unwell. Keep praying. God bless.
lovebug wrote: What a beautiful testimony to the power of god's love to comfort the soul of those who deal with pain on any level. We are all called to witness to this love. Thank you for sharing your heart and how you are sharing your gifts.
norman wrote: Sorry to hear about your sister. That you made her smile certainly proves how blessed your gifts are. Thanks for sharing and god bless u and your sister.
cabbage wrote: Thank you so much for sharing this. As i write this, my dear old friend is in a hospital on the opposite coast, going through experimental chemotherapy. I know how much your acts of kindness mean--not just to those who receive them, but to you in your time of hurt.

Blessings and hugs to you for reminding all of us that we can still bring out our best self even in times of suffering and pain. You are an awesome inspiration.

Love ya.

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