Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Coffee And Chocolate

--by mrsrivers07, posted Nov 26, 2015
Last week was rough...very busy, lots of people asking me to take on extra work, etc. A co-worker asked how she could help me. My response was, "Coffee and chocolate!" This morning I arrived at work to find a bag of Hershey's Miniatures and an empty coffee cup with a note that asked how I like my coffee!

What a gift! This completely made my day! I'm going to have to pass that kindness forward big time!
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Readers Comments

bountiful wrote: Awesome!! that is so cool and great idea for sharing hope you enjoy the special treat yum :-
balou wrote: :-) what a great co-worker :-)
AndiCas wrote: Brilliant! Love the note in the coffee cup :)
mish wrote: Beautiful kindness team there!! Enjoy
savraj wrote: That's so nice! Nice to work with people like that!
splain wrote: Oh to walk in and find that. Nice touch of kindness
kjoyw wrote: Coffee and chocolate kindness rates pretty high in my book!
mindyjourney wrote: coffee and chocolate cures many many ills :)))
terre wrote: Ask and ye shall receive!
C0ZYC0FFEE wrote: Thats so very thoughtful of your coworker. One of my coworker got me coffee once and it made my day because nothing spells simplified happiness for me more than a cup of warm coffee wrapped up in my hands. The chocolate is the icing on the cake!

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