Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Unexpected Kindness in a Business Meeting

--by birju, posted Dec 7, 2015
Just this week, I was in a meeting with a gentleman I hold in high esteem. This is a business meeting at a retreat center and we both went out for a walk together on a cliff overlooking the ocean (lucky me, I know!)

At the end of the meeting I offered him a heart pendant, a particularly unique one that was close to my own heart. He asked where it came from and when I shared that it was from a slum community in India, he asked to hear more.

He seemed visibly moved by the end and took out a sum of money and asked me if I could pass it along to them. I felt very connected to him, and the community in India that it came from in that moment.

It led me to ask a deeper question about who was being kind to whom in that instant. Especially in a business setting, I feel these are the kind of interactions that would be of value, mutual kindness and compassion, with an intention of growing towards love.  

Wherever we are, I feel that we can always take our next step towards love.  What a blessing all around :)
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Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: A truly wonderful blessing x
NiceKind wrote: Nice 💘
unknown wrote: It’s like the line from the Hokey Pokey: “That’s what we’re all about.”
Smiling heart 💜
unknown wrote: Small acts are big progress. IMHO.
f.nn wrote: What a great story :)
Stephen wrote: This just shows that an act of kindness can start in one part of the world and impact someone on the other side of the world. Great story - stephen
judyhedstrom wrote: Beautiful connections. You brought this about being willing to give something that was dear to your heart.
lunalovesflowers wrote: Wow thats so moving
patchessls wrote: It is sometimes hard to be able to express kindness or compassion in a work setting. Or between two business people. But we begin by seeing each other as people , unique special and put in that time and place especially for a experience of learning for both of you.
terre wrote: Moving story. Thank you for sharing it.

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