Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness magnified

--by splain, posted Nov 30, 2015
It looks like my path is taking me more to being involved with a place call "My Place" It is where men and women can go to get a shower, food, chats, items, etc. I have made my involvement a little different this time.

We talk about fear stopping us but I have seen this fear in organisations being unable to ask in the right way for help. So I have taken it upon myself with their knowledge to ring big shops and ask how to go about getting donations, forms they have to fill in and who they write letters to. I then inform them who to contact and they have to take the responsibility of Doing.

I feel free then to get friends and relatives backing me with money and donations of other kinds. We have a big freezer we have used twice and I know they need one so I thought, just give it to them if they want it. They need it more than I will ever need it. I feel happy with the amount of interaction I am doing.

The old me would want to take over , not now. Just want to help. I have a developed a really nice way for me to help and be calm about it. It is because of all of you
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Stocking that freezer full of gratitude!!! Many thanks, my dear friend, for following your heart's call to be of service <3. Blessings
xenahugs wrote: This is so wonderful, Splain. What a wonderful, wonderful way to contribute and participate - and what a beautiful leap of personal growth!! <3
kjoyw wrote: Well, it is you, dear splain, that must take the credit for doing this wonderful kindness. You will be a great help to this organization!
Savraj wrote: Oh this is so wonderful! It was so great of you to call the shops, get the info and bring it back. I'm sure you've made it so much easier for these lovely people by taking out a few steps for them!
kiwicat wrote: Lots of kindness here, and clearly a path you are meant to be on :-)
mish wrote: How beautiful your service, Splain. Bless x
lt33 wrote: What a very nice thing to do with helping out for others & they'll really appreciate the freezer for extra food they can store now because of you ✋
terre wrote: Thank you for taking on such a big kindness task. and also for not taking over. Providing people with the contact information they need and any forms they might need is plenty. Now they can help themselves. Thanks to your help. Well done!
leoladyc728 wrote: So grateful that you could share your freezer with this organization.
melnotes wrote: You are awesome!

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