Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Grateful For This Opportunity

--by vigilantevanessa, posted Dec 1, 2015
An elderly man was in front of me in the supermarket line. He appeared to have symptoms of dementia. He was trying to pay for his groceries with a credit card that was not activated. I paid for his groceries.
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Readers Comments

Barbara wrote: Thanks for your kindness to that elderly gentleman, you are a good person
arulleo wrote: May your tribe grow
Jyoti wrote: Thank you for helping him. So many of our elders are living far from their loved ones, alone, and by taking care of the elders who cross our paths, we build a culture of taking care of them, wherever they are, with whoever is close to them.
Deadlyfive wrote: You were put there for him. An angel.
wdunnett wrote: Well done you!
dessalynn2 wrote: You are what is called, "angels among us". Helping others can often turn into a great adventure for us!
kroley wrote: We need more people like you in this world! :)
Robertaritson wrote: Heart warnming.
MeMyselfI wrote: That's one of the nicest things i've ever heard.
KathiD wrote: Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful and compassionate act.

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