Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping A Single Mom

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted Oct 25, 2008
Yesterday I heard about a single mom with two kids that I barely know. She was pleading for help to pay her phone bill so it wouldn’t get disconnected. I have seen her help many others over the past months. She struggles to make ends meet but puts on a smile so her children won’t worry. She has no family near her so if she loses her phone, her children or their school will have no way to get in touch with her. After reading her plea, I thought about it all night and it broke my heart.

This morning I contacted her and told her I wanted to help. I called and paid her phone bill so that she would not lose it. She wrote me one of the most sincere letters I have ever received, telling me how thankful she was. She cried and said that I would never know how much it meant to her that a stranger would be so kind. She had nowhere to go and didn’t know where to turn. I explained to her that she was a kind heart and it is especially important to me to help wonderful people such as her. You would have thought she just won the lottery!

I am very glad to have been able to help out. Her tears of joy and heartfelt appreciation were more than enough thanks for me. Everything we do for someone else, big or small, makes such a big difference. I am thankful I was able to pay it forward today!

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Readers Comments

lOVEBUG wrote: God bless you.
theresa wrote: what a great thing you did for her. you took a burden off her shoulders.
unknown wrote: The whole act of generous and being thoughtful bursts in this story and I'm very proud of you. This story made me feel wonderful and I am happy you made this woman happy.
AURELIA wrote: It must have been Extremely Difficult for that mom to write a note and ask for help at WORK! Thank you for opening your heart and wallet for a friend in need. God Bless...:0) Aurelia
JuneBug wrote: I have been in the woman's shoes so I know how she must feel...Thank you for what you did. That was soooo geerous of you. You not only help her, but her kids, and family that she needs to be in touch with. I am priviledged to call you my friend! :}
PayingForward wrote: You have such a beautiful heart. Thank you for that kindness that made such a big difference in the lives of that mom and her children. God bless you ... today and always. :)
lovbitz1290 wrote: wow u r amazing
Tigerlily wrote: Oh, that is so special. You never cease to amaze me. What a wonderful beautiful heart you must have.
sassycindee wrote: What a wonderful and selfless person you are. I am a single mother and have been since my girls were three and five. It has been a tremendous struggle. I don't know exactly how great a blessing you really were to this woman.

desperate wrote: What a wonderfull human being

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