Readers Comments
makesomeonesmile wrote: Thanks for sharing that gypsy. I agree with you that it is great that is how he is approaching payment. That is wonderful and I hope he is truly rewarded as he should be for believing!
AURELIA wrote: Terrific...I may log on and give my old guitar a try along with Justin!!! He is an Angel in Disguise and will be rewarded for his unselfishness. ~Aurelia
lmil1954 wrote: Thanks for telling about Justin, gipsy. It takes someone special to acknowledge someone special. Linda:)
katrina wrote: Very cool. To the site owner, you rock! Thnk u
lovebug wrote: I think we are really entering the final stage of creation. The natural law of god has always been,"give and you will receive". It encourages me to see so many like justin steping out on faith. I have hope for this future generation. Thanks for sharing that you have already taken the leap yourself. Peace
BedBug wrote: There's a lesson there for all of us. If we would just all give what have in the categories of time, talen and treasure, there would always be enough of each of these to sustain everyone. It's so simple. Why do we insist on making it so hard? Thank you for sharing this.