Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Anonymous Pizza Party

--by DoNothing, posted Oct 29, 2008

I am a student at Stanford, and last week I got an email from a wonderful student group on campus. The email said that they would be holding a meeting that evening, but unfortunately no food would be served because of the short notice in calling the meeting.

Taking this as an opportunity to treat a great group of students, I biked over to a local pizza restaurant and ordered two large pizzas for the group. It was a little difficult explaining to the workers that I wanted this to be an anonymous delivery, but in the end they understood :) Pleased with my gesture, the manager taking my order even gave me a 15% discount, more than what was normal for an order of this size and completely unsolicited! I knew things would work out after that.  :)

I asked for the pizzas to be delivered at the beginning of the group's scheduled meeting time of 8pm, but at around 8:30 I got a call from the pizza delivery person saying they were lost! I got worried that if the pizzas wouldn't reach the meeting before it adjourned, all the effort would be wasted. But with several phone calls back and forth, the delivery person finally found the building and delivered the pizzas, along with a single smile card in an envelope I asked that they hand over with the pizzas :)

Later on, I found out that the anonymous pizza party was a great success. The food reached them just in time and everyone was quite grateful. They even wrote about the experience on their group's blog (Feb 14th entry):
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Readers Comments

ruru wrote: awesome gesture and wonderful idea. I think the group really appreciated the gift.
Good deeds never go unnoticed(at least for long)...keep it up.
makesomeonesmile wrote: What a great idea, thanks for sharing that!
AURELIA wrote: My Favorite kind of Treat! Yum. You did a really kind deed and I am happy they arrived in time to feed some hungry college kids. :0) ~Aurelia

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