Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping by Stepping Out of Line

--by littlecabbage, posted Nov 3, 2008

It was mid-summer and my father had taken me to Boston to see the ducklings in the public gardens. We had spent most of the day just playing on the duck sculptures, running around, anything an eight-year-old would enjoy doing. More than anything I wanted to go on the swan boat in the pond, where the little ducklings were lead to by their mother.

The line was long, and it was a little after noon.  I was hungry and hot and was starting to get a little cranky. The boat was coming back and the line finally started to move forward. I excitedly looked around, silently saying to all around me,  "I'm going to ride the swan boat!" I saw to my left, on the other side of the chain linked barrier, a mother pushing her baby in a carriage. The baby had thrown his bottle out of the carriage, and started to cry. The line kept moving to board the boat which had arrived at the dock, and there was just enough room for my dad and I to board. In that moment I ducked under the chain, grabbed the bottle and ran it to the mother. At this point, my father had stepped out of line to see where I was running to. The mother thanked me, and I walked back to my dad. He saw what I did and gave me a hug, then regretfully said that we had missed the boat and it would be a long wait for the next one. I looked at the boats, then the line, and finally at my dad with a big smile and suggested we get ice cream instead.

I learned that day that nothing feels better than doing something good for someone else. No matter how small or big it may be.

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Readers Comments

Elinore wrote: Bravo! Just a small act of kindness goes so much farther than we can realize. That person will think about what you did and will "pay it forward" in most cases.
elizabeth wrote: Your story was great beacause of you went back and gave her the bottle and when the baby dropted it you gave it to her
barefootdiva wrote: What a wonderful story, it tugged at my heart. I read this and I sense how wonderful this whole family must be and it reminds me of the lessons we can teach out children and pass down to them. Thank you for sharing!
redsun wrote: you made me cry. this is a wonderful story and I wish there were a lot more like you to be so generous.
lOVEBUG wrote: How blessed you were 8yr old and already aware.God Bless you littlecabbage.
JuneBug wrote: You started at an early age...This is good and a wonderful memory as well!!!
makesomeonesmile wrote: What a great story. You are right there is nothing that feels better than doing something nice for someone else. Big or small, they all matter. Thanks for sharing!
AURELIA wrote: So sweet of you to be so caring at a young age. It was just the beginning and what a beautiful memory for you. ~Aurelia
lmil1954 wrote: Hey littlecabbage you already know that was a wonderful thing you did. What you didnt know at that age was that selfless act would help mold you into the beautiful person you have become! I say Bravo!!! And God will say Well don, my good and faithful servant! Love ya! LindaM:)
gipsysoul wrote: Lovely story! And ice cream is always a great plan B!

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