Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Every Little Thing Matters

--by falsemonkeypuzzl, posted Nov 4, 2008

I wonder how many dozens of little acts of kindness we'd find if we really looked back at the end of each day?

Do we have a good friend we check in with each day? 

Each time we come to a 4-way stop, we often wave the other car through first. 

And when we respectfully stop a few feet back from the crosswalk as someone passes, rather than stop right at the edge, the walker feels respected  and safe.

Someone at the checkout stand drops a dime and you bend down and pick it up and hand it to them.

You pick up one piece of trash on the sidewalk and place it in a garbage can.

You're walking your dog and have an extra bag to pick up that poop someone else left behind.

You wash the dishes one night instead of leaving them for your spouse - whose "job" it is. 

You take your own bag to the grocery store and save a bag.

You hold the store or office door open a few seconds longer for the person behind you.

You tell a stranger how pretty her earrings are or how good she looks in that color.

You make eye contact with the checker and smile when she hands you your change.

We automatically do these and so much more every day without thinking about it, but when we are on the receiving end of any of these tiny acts, we notice how GOOD we feel!  There are no little things.  Everything matters.

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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: Amen!
AURELIA wrote: You're so right! Little things mean alot! ~Aurelia
lOVEBUG wrote: I can second that Amen. God Bless
JuneBug wrote: You notice everybody has short sentences to comment to your post...That's a good thing. What you said was alot and meant much!!
makesomeonesmile wrote: You are so right, EVERYTHING matters! Thanks for sharing this. It is a great reminder!
sanserif wrote: Wonderful thoughts..Thank you so much for sharing! Yes, everything matters!
perseverance wrote: Life is a series of little acts and you can be proud of that
lmil1954 wrote: You really put a lot in a little nutshell. Thank you. And God bless you every day! Linda:)
Elinore wrote: Amen - everything does matter!
robson wrote: For good or ill your conversation is your advertisement. Everythimg surely matters. God bless.

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