Stories of Kindness from Around the World

She found a sense of abundance in volunteer work

--by annmackay, posted Jan 1, 2016

I no longer work in a paid position. I do however  have many volunteer commitments. I had originally fallen into the mindset that I didn't have enough time to do what I really wanted to do. Soon I realized that in the context of having enough, I do indeed have enough time to do what I really want to do. I really want to spend my time working with others on projects in my community, working on a website, and joining with others to get things done. Although I am no longer rewarded for my efforts with a paycheck I am grateful that I can contribute my skills in helping others. 
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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: I love volunteering too :) it's great that you are helping your community :)
alisamom wrote: With all your volunteer work you are a kindness angel !
splain wrote: lovely
mish wrote: Bless you x
deepee wrote: You are helping many people.
melnotes wrote: That you for all you do :)
chasethekat wrote: It's amazing how often the non-monetary pay is worth so much more than a paycheck. I love volunteering for everything it offers to others & myself.

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