Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Chain of Gifts

--by ssureshsrinivas, posted Dec 15, 2015
I was on my way to teach my yoga class at a shelter one day, when I saw a homeless youth on the street. I felt an impulse to give all my one dollar bills. Shortly thereafter, I noticed another youth, also homeless. At that time all I could give was a smile and a connection.

When I reached the shelter there none who wanted to partake

in the yoga class.  However, I did bring with me some baked goods like donuts, cinnamon rolls etc, which I was able to give away. One the way back  to my car from the shelter, I noticed I had time left on my parking ticket. I also felts inspired to  give that away to a person I connected with a person on the street who needed it. 

All that little giving made me more aware of the abundance and the opportunity to connect and give. 
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Readers Comments

pyronik wrote: lots of kindness, thank you :-)
jsmc10 wrote: These were amazing gifts to give. Thank you also for offering the yoga class at a shelter, reaching out to so many vulnerable people ❤
alisamom wrote: so much kindness you gave, that's wonderful!
splain wrote: I think you did really good. Amazing gifting.
mish wrote: Full of kindness x
savraj wrote: Beautiful. Maybe one day they'll try yoga too.
deepee wrote: You are a very kind person.
melnotes wrote: Lovely :)
terre wrote: Great gifts of giving. Thank you.

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