Readers Comments
Raqui wrote: I AGREE! How about treating yourself to a yummy plum or tasty fruit. I think you will feel that from the inside out :)
lOVEBUG wrote: I believe our bodies talk to us and will tell you what they need, but we are so rushed we never take the time to be still within ourselfs.I am glad you are listening at such a young age. God Bless
falsemonkeypuzzl wrote: That's a very wise and helpful way to look at our bodies - especially for "givers". It's sometimes easier to do something good for someone else than for ourselves and this makes ourselves "someone else"!
JuneBug wrote: The other day I went out to dinner with my kids and all I wanted was spinach cooked in garlic...Everybody looked at me like I was silly but I believe it was something my body was craving...Your body tells you so much if we would just listen....:}
sanserif wrote: Thank you so much for such a refreshing outlook...I am amazed at your out of the box thinking! Worth heeding every word. Doing good to yourself is as important as doing good to others.
lmil1954 wrote: That was extremely well said! I love it!!! Thank you for the reminder put so very delicately, yet to the point! LindaM:)
SeaFoam wrote: The lesson is well taken - and the ending paragraph is fantastic!
barefootdiva wrote: Thanks for this reminder. It is easy in our busy lives to go on and not remember theses all so important facts.
brighteyes wrote: Starrynight-
Great story and so true. I am having a few health challenges myself and now i do not take my body or health for granted. Before i go to bed and first thing in the morning before rising i give thanks to both and feel blessed!
Blessings & good health restored to you,
Brighteyes ;)
Great story and so true. I am having a few health challenges myself and now i do not take my body or health for granted. Before i go to bed and first thing in the morning before rising i give thanks to both and feel blessed!
Blessings & good health restored to you,
Brighteyes ;)