Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Presence was all that was needed

--by LIPJUZEFLOWS, posted Jan 16, 2016

I gave someone I just met a hug, as she had shared with me her pain over the loss of a child. Her baby died 8 years ago, and she has trouble talking about it.  I'm glad she was able to talk to me. I hope I was able to comfort her at least in a small way.  
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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: ❤ I lost my sister, I can only imagine what devastation this causes by witnessing my mums heart break as well. Thank you for being there to listen. She may have been wanting to talk for some time but didn't know where or when, thank you for being that someone. Hopefully this opened her up to healing ❤
splain wrote: So many hugs needed for that lady. Thanks for listening and comforting her
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for your healing listen, heart and hug. I'm sure it meant much.
savraj wrote: So kind of you to give comfort.
leoladyc728 wrote: Thank you for being a comfort to her. My friend lost her son about 7 years ago and it still makes her cry.
melnotes wrote: Thank you for being there and listening :)
brad2 wrote: Thank you for being there for this person, it's hard grieving when it seems like no one is there, i too lost my wife 8 years ago, i still miss her, that's i do these raks, it makes me feel better.
jemimainjapan wrote: I'm sure it was very cathartic for her. Pain like that, people can hold onto for a long time. Maybe your hug finally set her on a journey of healing. Big hugs to you too.

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