Readers Comments
splain wrote: It is all about how we view something.
melnotes wrote: It is all in our perception :)
mish wrote: So true..our attitude creates our way of experiencing x. Well done by you!!!!!
savraj wrote: Beautifully positive thoughts! Snow can be so pretty!
mindyjourney wrote: A positive perspective opens us to the beauty alread there :)
terre wrote: Good turnaround!
Ann-Marie, founder at ThinkGood wrote: It is so true. The way we look at things can change just based on mood, experience, age, and the list goes on. But it is our choice. I guess that's the fundamentals of what we think too. And why it is so important to think good or positively. Thank you very much for the post. Www. Thinkgood. Com
nourelsabah wrote: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Sometimes life stressors would weaken us. And change our perception. But the lessons that we understand afterwards is what makes the smile reappear.
Sometimes life stressors would weaken us. And change our perception. But the lessons that we understand afterwards is what makes the smile reappear.