Readers Comments
JuneBug wrote: Ah, Tigerlily! I don't have to tell you God put that person in your head. He knows there are some things a female wasn't built to do. Maybe you can repay him with homemade cookies in the mailbox or something like that. OR just accept his request for a simple thank you. We all need help from time to time...Hang in there, sweetie! :}
wayfarer wrote: There's a kind of man who thinks nothing of BEING a man, and to a guy like that, the fact that you thought to ask him is really all he needs.
But cookies are always welcome!!!!!!!!!
But cookies are always welcome!!!!!!!!!
falsemonkeypuzzl wrote: Another opportunity to pay-it-forward! :-)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great that he helped you out Tigerlily. God puts everyone in our life for a reason, even if we don't always know what it is. I guess you found at least one reason this friend is there! Take care!
AURELIA wrote: What a beautiful ending to an almost disasterous day!!!! I am so happy that you were able to think clearly enough to get the help you needed. God has a plan...we just don't always know where He's coming from with it. :0) ~Aurelia
lmil1954 wrote: Hey tiger, JuneBug is too funny! Im so glad to have read this post today. You have many angels, as you are one as well! Love ya! Linda
merv wrote: So...Make him cookies. Nothing fancy, chocolate chip or peanut butter would be good. Whether or not he's Mr Right, he'll know why and appreciate it!
lovebug wrote: A really great story, i did love the ending. God does always offer us his help, but sometimes we do need to ask.