Readers Comments
splain wrote: That was a very kind thing you did for her.
RoseMarie wrote: Thank you for your spontaneous kindness. I always say it's the little things x 💓
terre wrote:
Wonderful random act of kindness!
Wonderful random act of kindness!
AndiCas wrote: Thankyou Christina, that lady must have appreciated your kindness far beyond the dollar.
pluto178 wrote: I think I have a condition now were I am actually hoping someone tries to put something back or doesn't have enough to pay.................golly saying it out loud makes me realise I have to stop but I do love to step in and be their hero. x lol
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for being open to the kindness opp and doing it! Blessings.
alliej4267 wrote: Sometimes even the smallest acts can brighten someones day! Nice job! Thanks!