Readers Comments
lovebug wrote: Thank you for posting this, it does back up one of my pet theories in life. You do not need to be poor to be generous. I also want to know why is it the only time we hear about a generous act, is if it is done by someone worth 67 million dollars
adc150 wrote: The reason is that the more wealthy people like tony romo probably have fewer times they can just go out of there way to help others with their time not their money. Unlike the average person who sees people in need everyday. The average person should help others and not want to be recognized because it shoud be their duty to help others. It is also the waelthy person duty to help others but usually wealthy people help other people through donations and charaties but usually dont have the chance help those they dont know by changing someone's tire or paying for someone's movie ticket that they have never met. The reason you hear about tony romo acts' of kindness is that for a wealthy person to go out of their way and give up their time to help others shows that everybody wants to help others sometimes they miss their opprtunity but tony romo was given two chances to help complete strangers and he took them. Which shows that he remembers that compassion is much more important than money and that is rare.
sue lewis wrote: I wish i could find such kind people who help people in need. My husband and i lost our home and our jobs recently so i know how that man must have felt. May god bless you.
sue lewis wrote: I wish i could find such kind people who help people in need. My husband and i lost our home and our jobs recently so i know how that man must have felt. May god bless you.