Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Post it Note Kindness at the Mall

--by starryskies, posted Dec 26, 2015
December kindness for today.  I visited the mall, went into ladies' fitting rooms and bathroom, left positive messages on heart post-its. One of my favorite RAKS (random acts of kindness) to do! Our words matter. They can encourage and build people up, or shame and tear them down. 

When I was putting the hearts on the bathroom mirror a little girl saw me and kept saying, "hearts, hearts, I love hearts!" :)

I left a stack of blank post-its and a pen behind in the bathroom for others to add messages if they'd like. ♡ 
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Readers Comments

alisamom wrote: Oh that's a great idea! I bet the little girl was very happy :)
Brindlegirl wrote: You are so right! Words do matter and there power, powerful! Bless you for doing what you did xox
splain wrote: What a fabulous idea, post-its and a pen left for others to write any message they really want others to see. love it
mindyjourney wrote: Great idea to leave the blank notes and pen to encourage others to do! :)))))))
beingme wrote: creative act of kindness....
starryskies wrote: Thanks!! :)
savraj wrote: That's so nice! You're so right!! Words really do matter!
kjoyw wrote: Well done! I think leaving the extra post-its Amd pen is a great idea!
terre wrote: Nice sharing!
pluto178 wrote: You are going to have to start writing poetry and leaving lines of it that move us all over the place..........x

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