Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A food bank owner's wish for a young boy

--by foodbankcarlisa, posted Dec 22, 2015
I run a small thrift store to help support our small food bank. A mother stopped by with her ten year old son and asked if we could help her family out with a few groceries. I said yes and gathered up several bags of groceries for her.

When I returned to her vehicle where her son was, I asked if he could go into the food bank and select a few of his favorite foods. She said yes. He chose his favorite cereal and fruit roll ups. 

I wanted to make his visit special and even though we had made only $32.00 in the thrift store that day I gave him $20.00 of it. I asked him to surprise his mother and buy her and his lunch on the way home. I wanted him to remember this day as more than a trip to the food bank. I wanted him to be blessed with the possibility of acting on this moment for the rest of his life. 

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Readers Comments

savraj wrote: So kind and very generous of you. Mother and son will never forget this day.
kbuddha wrote: Wonderful story!
kjoyw wrote: Wonderfulness all over this! Thank you for all tour doing. Blessings.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for giving them more than food, my friend. you gave of your thoughtfulness and love. Blessings.
terre wrote: Thank you for such generous spirit!
Mel37865 wrote: How great!
splain wrote: Thank you for what you do.
vitalreiki wrote: Lovely x
pluto178 wrote: Changing a mindset...........good work x
Mish wrote: Awesome!

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