Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Being Brave in Hopes of Bringing Health To a Little Girl

--by AndiCas, posted Jan 10, 2016
Today I'm going to give blood and be tested as a bone marrow match for a very ill local girl. I was supposed to do this a while ago, but it was canceled because of a shortage of nurses.

I am touched by the kindness of the staff, and I have not even been there yet. They have gone to all the trouble of finding an English speaking lady to telephone me with the new date. (So grateful to Patricia, your kindness and efforts are greatly appreciated!)

I'm also really grateful to my partner, who has agreed to drive me there and back even though he has a busy day. I have a tendency to go a bit peculiar an hour or so after anything to do with needles, so I'm not safe to drive.

Wish me luck please. Wouldn't it be tremendous if I could be of help?!  

(EDITED to add: This didn't work out and I was not able to do it. But maybe you could. Please join a bone marrow register in your area. It would be nice if this story inspired even one person.) 
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Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: Well one you I so admire you x
sandyremillar wrote: Andi, you so touch my heart! I dealt with a very dear friend who had had a kidney transplant at 10. Met her in her late 20s and required another one. I was with her all the way...Then I moved from Caracas Venezuela to USA and then received the news she had died. I would have gladly given her a kidney! Thank you for doing what I wasn't meant to do yet always wish I would have....bless you!!!
splain wrote: That is wonderful what you are doing Andrea
lt33 wrote: This is a beautiful gift your giving to this girl please take care of yourself thru all this u will be in my thoughts this week good luck hope it all goes well 😉
savraj wrote: Wishing you all the luck. You are such a beautiful person.
kjoyw wrote: I wish you all the best with this!! Blessings to you and this amazing act of kindness! Please let us know you it goes and how you get through this first step!
mindyjourney wrote: thank you. thank you. thank you. such a blessing it would be indeed!

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