Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Sweetness of Siblings

--by twilightgecko, posted Nov 27, 2008

My sister and I are forever borrowing and giving money back to each other whenever either of us is in need.  Just last week, she asked me to pick up her medicine at the pharmacy and she said she would subsequently pay me back soon... Her response suggested to me that she was struggling financially. So, I thought I would step it up and instead of doing just one favor for her, I decided to throw in a few more while I was out shopping. I realized all of her furry living creatures would be delighted to receive some yummy treats so I picked up edible biscuits, chewable toys, and bird seeds for all of her respective pets (which included the dog, the kitty, and the new parrakeet). I got her a new sketch book  to encourage her to explore her budding artistic talent more deeply.  I found her favorite cream filled cadbury chocolate egg at the candy store and tucked that along with $40 into one of her pill bottles, so that she could discover the sweet surprise later. A kindness offer was to made her that she could no longer refuse.    :)

Siblings don't always rival. They love too.

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Readers Comments

mitu915 wrote: such sweetness between the sisters! i love it! ;P
lovebug wrote: A good soul you are. God Bless
wayfarer wrote: You're a master of the fine art of kindness, Gecko. Keep on passing on those tips!
bhappy wrote: I love that, A special, loving relationship you both have. God Bless, Becki
AURELIA wrote: You are a smile maker! You both are blessed to have each other. :0) ~Aurelia
liztree wrote: How sweet! Such loveliness between sisters.
makesomeonesmile wrote: That is very kind of you. Bless you for always looking out for each other!
sabrina wrote: Your love for ur sister shows in ur act.cute.I am also very close to my sister and we do lot of things like this.Cheers
JuneBug wrote: You are the best! What a great thing to do for your sister! I'd be your sister any day!!!! :}
flowergirl wrote: You are so thoughtfull and gave in such a lovely way - not just financially but in a way that honoured your sister and her life. Love and peace ,flowergirl

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