Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Simply Being Kind

--by rebeccakillian, posted Jan 10, 2016
I was recently at my seventh grader's concert and it was a blast. When it ended everyone was making their way to the door. I was waiting for my seventh grader, but noticed the doors were heavy and didn't have a way to stay open on their own. I decided to hold the door to help the majority of families to exit with out the worry of being whacked or even injured.  

Some looked to see who it was holding the door - others even said thank you. It wasn't about having thank you's, it was simply about being kind.
1210 Reads

Readers Comments

AndiCas wrote: Such a great way to make life easier for so many people. Thankyou
deepee wrote: So very kind of you, thank you!
mindyjourney wrote: Always a good way to open the door to smiles and appreciation :)
splain wrote: A simple act of kindness.
savraj wrote: Very thoughtful of you!
terre wrote: Some doors are impossibly heavy and hard to open. Thank you so much for doing this.

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