Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Karmically Rich

--by JuneBug, posted Dec 9, 2008

I just can't get over the fact that there really are so many caring people in this world....Sometimes we wake up and think about all of the world's tragedies and begin to believe we are doomed as a planet. I don't even like watching the news in the morning because the deaths and car accidents and flames that flash across the screen in loud red and orange colors are the first visual images of my day that set a somber tone to my newly awakened eyes.

To shift my perspective on the world, what I do instead is, clutch the remote, and push the "off" button so that version of what the world we live in today is shut off. 

Ready to reset my day, I make my way to the HelpOthers site on my computer, with my steaming cup of coffee in my hand. Here, I discover a world that doesn't appear on television screens. I find wonderful stories that uplift me. I find jokes that make me chuckle and I note the positive comments written about the posted stories from a group of heart-connected friends.

As I read, I transform. The stories where one man gives cookies to a stranger, or  a mother gives her loaf of bread to a homeless man, or a child hugs a police officer, are stories that breathe with life and love. These small-town heroes compel me to just go out the door and share this real live kindness with the neighbors, strangers, friends, and even so-called 'enemies' around me. I call a friend who hasn't called in a while. I'll add some smiles on a published helpothers story to encourage my online community of friends.

And as I give, I also receive. I am overjoyed to discover that I'm truly rich in Karma Bucks. In fact, with all this karmic bliss circulating, if these were real bucks, I know I would never go broke because love, caring,and all the good stuff inside us, makes us all rediscover how unconditionally rich we truly are. That's why you who ''happened to stumble'' upon this site and I, are here to make this world a more karmically lucrative place---one buck of kindness at a time! 

1984 Reads

Readers Comments

Lindteggs wrote: So exactly how i feel, but i was never able to put it into words as well as you just have. This site makes my day :)
hotcocoa wrote: Amen!
some guy wrote: Its a very good story.
LOAS wrote: Thank you for this story.

There is a saying "you are what you eat". That is true of what we "eat" or take visually too. Like you, i watch very little news, because it's too depressing! I much rather come here and get my "love tank" filled and be energized to do some good in the world.

Thanks again for sharing. :)

merv wrote: Linda I was looking for, "Commit random acts of kindness and senseless beauty"! I got it too and it's on my truck!

Junebug, you're one of the people that I look for first when I log on Help Others. There's probably a reason for that. Maybe it's stories like this. :-)

Tigerlily wrote: JuneBug... you are awesome. Not only do all those karmabucks come to send them out by the bucketfuls! And you check on me almost daily. So.. all the good things you said about everybody else above... is just projection. It's all you! We are so privileged to know you. Thank you for being the epitome of the kind soul.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I agree 100% with Tigerlily! YOU are a great part of this too.

And I don't believe in coincidence either. Everything happens for a reason, even if we don't know what it is. Even if you aren't able to physically "get out there and do something", you sure do plenty on-line for so many. I LOVE it and appreciate the fingerprint you have left on my heart, along with the one-liners upside the head too! :) Like you, I try to start my day off with some uplifting thoughts here to set the tone for the day. You NEVER fully know the difference you have made. I find comfort in knowing someone else out there has a weird sense of humor like me! You are so right, everyone here is making a difference and helping make the world a better place.

Thanks for this post dearest June. I am forever changed by my friends in kindness here. I have a feeling I'll have a wonderful story to post tomorrow that will only reiterate how a few simple words from a caring friend can change your life forever...

Tigerlily said it perfectly and I agree, "thank you for being the epitome of the kind soul!" We are all better for having our hearts touched by you! (and our funny bone tickled too!)

AURELIA wrote: Well, Junie, What More Can I SAY? I look forward to reading your posts every day! You give me and many others the smiles we might never get. God wanted to Brighten Up the World, so He Made YOU :0) Hugs for our Bug...~Aurelia
lovebug wrote: I have to agree with all of the comments already posted, You do inspire each and everyone of us. God Bless you JuneBug
Rayann wrote: I just love this post! The fact that it's about us, but really about you, but in fact it's about all of us! LOL
It's about how when we give love, we receive love.
Thanks for the reminder!

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