Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Man's anynoumous act of kindness inspires a by stander

--by kat94, posted Dec 20, 2015
The other day, as I walked to school, I continued toward a bus station, past a small construction area, and by an area that is currently empty. I noticed someone bringing a bunch of things: shoes, blankets, some canned food, clothing, perhaps donations that he has gathered from family and friends. 

He started laying them down for people to take, and just left. By the time I was on my way home for the day, I saw that many of the items were taken by others. This was probably the sweetest act of kindness I've witnessed so far :)

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Hello helllo! Good to hear from you kat...and of course was thinking of you recently :). That is a wonderful act of kindness you witnessed. tx for sharing :). Congrats on finishing the semester!
beingme wrote: how wonderful to finish a semester...may you rejoice in your achievement...tender heart and kind gesture was that man you witnessed...smiles to all of you!
splain wrote: wonderful on finishing this semester. I love seeing people do these very kind acts.
horsegirl21 wrote: Nice. cute kitty too :))
mish wrote: Wonderful to see you here today, Kat xoxo
kjoyw wrote: Congrats on finishing semester! Lovely kindness you witnessed. So good to have you back with us!
lt33 wrote: That was a great way to give things to others who needed it the most hopefully it went into the right hands who needed it
deepee wrote: wonderful acts of kindness!
terre wrote: Two great things to celebrate: you finishing the semester and the man's kindness in sharing clothes, food and more with those less fortunate! Well done!

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