Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Elderly's kind service to their community

--by prathama, posted Dec 23, 2015
A story on receiving kindness.  I used to pass through on a daily basis  a busy four lane highway and intersection in Adajan, Surat India. There aren't ever traffic police to be seen controlling vehicles movement on  this critical four lane crossroads even during peak rush hours.

I always got stuck in traffic getting angry at our Surat police. Sometimes I fumed at other peoples' insensitivity of hurriedly thinking of themselves first instead of kindly letting others pass though. Many times I too thought to get out the car and direct the traffic. But it was not possible. 

Few months back a group of elderly people who used to sit and socialize in the 'Shantikunj' garden took this initiative to direct the traffic on peak hours daily. They were doing it without any expectations and just to help society.

I was really happy to see the non-chaotic lanes. I salute those elderly people and thank them too. There is kindness in our society. We all have kindness somewhere deep in our hearts. We need to bring it out and spread kindness in the society.
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Readers Comments

splain wrote: That was very decent of them to direct the traffic. I don't if I would be game enough to do that.
melnotes wrote: Spread the kindness ripples all over the world :) Thankyou, for your share!
MihirK wrote: Thanks for sharing, Prathama :)
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you to the elders who saw a situation to help and they did! Appreciate you sharing, my friend. Blessings.
snehalpshah wrote: That's such a wonderful and right thing to do, Prathma!
footballmom wrote: My respects for the elder :)
patjos wrote: Isn't it wonderful when we realise that we don't need anyone else to do it for us and just get out there!

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