Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Did You Forget How to Laugh?

--by Giovanni, posted Dec 20, 2008

Yesterday, I went over to my sister's home to provide some  emotional support for her, as she was in need. She needed help in overseeing the work of the plumber who had come to unblock the troubled sewage system in the home. Wanting to reassure her through this event,  I showed up at her doorstep 15 minutes before the plumber did and when I walked in, her pained look and frown suddenly lifted as her desperation came to a halt.


I knew from her face that it wasn't just the plumbing problem that was upsetting her, but rather she faced a deeper challenge that extended beyond any practical issue relating to household management.  My sister embraced me closely, made me coffee, and while waiting for our upcoming plumber, we clinked our coffee mugs together, and I began recounting some rather slapstick moments of my life to see if I could sustain a smile on her face.


Although we did not explicity discuss the main issue that plagued my sister daily,  I knew that she had been enduring quite a bit of suffering this past year. Her husband who is only 52 years old, extremely well-educated (with his acquisition of 3 master degrees), and a successful adjunct professor at the local university, had suddenly been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. In many ways, the disease not only devastated his body, but it also devastated their young, happy family.


After the plumber finished his job that day, and as I was leaving, my sister told me to visit her more often as she and her family had forgotten how to laugh. It saddened me to hear that such a phrase could even exist, but it also gladdened me because I fetl needed. I could teach others how to laugh again and restore joy to a struggling family.


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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: Your gift of laughter was just the right thing at the right time. I hope you keep visiting her more often---it really matters and makes a difference.
Thank you!
Tigerlily wrote: Your visit was just what the doctor ordered. Many blessings to you and yours.
lovebug wrote: Laughter heals the soul, atleast it works that way for me. You put a smile to my face. Keep it up. God Bless
AURELIA wrote: Laughter and Family...go together like Peanutbutter and Jelly :0) ~Thanks for sharing your sense of humor with her and giving her a break from a stressful day to day life with her husband. ~Aurelia
makesomeonesmile wrote: Laughter is often the best medicine!
wayfarer wrote: Awww, Giovanni, that is simply beautiful!!!!!
merv wrote: Good for you! Wasn't it fun? Laughter heals.

So, did I ever tell you the one about the ... :-)

Take Care
EePee wrote: Sharing is caring!
Being there for someone is a two-fold eyperience, for the giver & the receiver.
Thanks for sharing & I send your sister my positive thoughts so that she will be able to handle this issue.
lmil1954 wrote: Giovanni, thanks for this warm story of love and laughter...may you have many mored! LindaM:)

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