Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Taking inspiration from KS community

--by splain, posted Jan 7, 2016
Well after reading Mindy's post 're- sock and the homeless', I am off to buy some more socks and take them plus frozen meals out to the shelter.

I know how lucky I am with not having to work, married to a beautiful man, children living good lives, a cozy home, a funny little VW Beetle to drive around in (yellow daisy included), a mostly healthy body, Bentley  and simply having enough.

I am grateful that I can now look back at the hard, tough years of suffering and despair and now greet each day with pure joy. I thank all of you my friends for helping me make this happen. So many hugs of love to all of you.
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Readers Comments

sd507439 wrote: Thanks for the reminder of the blessings of small things. 🤗 sally
mnc_91 wrote: I am happy i browsed at the "editor's pick" stories and led me to this beautiful story of yours, susan :-) thank you for sharing. Because of this, i have known you better. And boy, how i would want to own an old green bettle (just that my still busy lifestyle requires a more practical car)!
terre wrote: The blessings of warm socks! 8-)
mish wrote: Life is good, Splain. Bless. x
lt33 wrote: This reminded me of a great quote" don't looked how stressed you are look at how blessed you are "
bananatheworl wrote: Love it
savraj wrote: Thankyou for sharing your gratitude. You are a beautiful and positive person. You are so inspiring.
mindyjourney wrote: Many ((((hugs))) to you as well, my dear friend. We are so very blessed. Find those socks? :))
kjoyw wrote: So many blessings! Thank you sharing them. Lovely post
VeeV wrote: Thank you for the smiles you put on our faces…

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